# | Cím | Abstract | Folyóirat | Oldalszám |
A Riedlek Sopronban: hangszerépítõk négy generációja (Ford. Székely András) |
The Riedl-Family in Sopron: Four Generations of Musical Instrument Makers
Eszter Fontana Gát Four generations of the Riedl family of brass instruments makers are discussed, based on documents in family possession and interviews with members of the Riedl family in Hungary and Germany. The saga of this family helps us to understand the circumstances which lead to the migration of many instrument makers from the Bohemian Graslitz to the South and to other countries. Documentation of the lives of Riedl family members and of the history and trdition of musical instrument making in Central Europe is offered. – This paper was published by kind permission of the author and the publisher. |
2001., 39. évf. 1. szám | 65. - 83.o | |
Az „igazi” zongorahang : gondolatok a zongora születésének 300. évfordulójára | - | 1999., 37. évf. 4. szám | 349. - 364.o | |
Hangszerkészítés Magyarországon a 16-19. században : vizsgálódás Bárdos Kornél módszerével |
Making Musical Instruments in Hungary during the 16th – 19th Centuries
An investigation with the method of Kornél Bárdos Eszter Gát Fontana It is possible to establish a connection between the structure of towns and cities on the one hand and the main branches of their population’s gainful employment as well as their musical traditions on the other. This thesis was first advocated by Kornél Bárdos. Musical instrument making can either be carried out on a small-trade basis or as a large-scale industry. Both forms require a reliable and sufficiently broad customer base, middle classes interested in music and a tradition of musical instrument making. There are examples for prominent small workshops (with 1-2 employees), but also for factories (with 10 – 30 employees). They usually lasted several generations. Studying the history of musical instrument making in the important towns and cities of Hungary, it becomes clear that local musical instrument makers can be documented first and foremost in the royal free cities or the major commercial centres of the country. Other key factors were the geographical location of the respective city, the religion and the time when it was liberated from Ottoman rule. |
2004., 42. évf. 1. szám | 9. - 14.o | |
Rec. Gábry György emlékére : (1927. április 23. - 1998. július 4.) | - | 2001., 39. évf. 1. szám | 109. - 110.o |