# | Cím | Abstract | Folyóirat | Oldalszám |
Az elsõ magyar operatársulattól a Nemzeti Színházig |
From the First Hungarian Opera Company to the National Theatre
Éva Gurmai This article highlights the most important events of Hungarian language opera performance. The first company was established in Kolozsvár (Cluj Napoca, Transylvania) in 1823. The best wandering actors were collected by them. The company was able to perform grand operas as well. Their path led to the National Theatre from Kolozsvár through Kassa (Ko¹ice, Slovakia) and the Buda Castle Theatre. |
2004., 42. évf. 1. szám | 49. - 58.o | |
Johann Baptist Henneberg-Emanuel Schikaneder-Szerelemhegyi András: Csörgõsapka |
J. B. Henneberg – E. Schikaneder – A. Szerelemhegyi: Csörgõsapka (Fool’s Cap)
Éva Gurmai This article examines the cultural remains of the connections between the Hungarian professional dramatic art and the theater lead by Vienna in the early 19th century. The oldest musical score, which has turned up for not a long time in the Music Collection of the National Széchényi Library, is the Csörgõsapka from Johann Baptist Henneberg, translated by András Szerelemhegyi and it was played from 1795 by the „Nemzeti Színjátszó Társaság”. The connections of this piece lead to Mozart’s composing circle, society of Schikaneder, the Theater auf der Wieden. Csörgõsapka was the most popular and the mostly played piece of the Hungarian musical act, in its first 50 years. |
2002., 40. évf. 3. szám | 271. - 278.o |