# | Cím | Abstract | Folyóirat | Oldalszám |
A tökéletes karmesterré válás : Haydn és Mattheson könyve: Der vollkommene Capellmeister |
Becoming a Complete Kapellmeister
Haydn and Mattheson’s Der vollkommene Capellmeister David Wyn Jones Both Griesinger and Dies identify Johann Mattheson's treatise, Der vollkommene Capellmeister (1739), as an important influence on Haydn's musical development in his youth. Perhaps because Griesinger then gives more emphasis to Fux than Mattheson and Dies reports some disparaging comments on the treatise by the aged Haydn, the range and nature of Mattheson's likely influence on the young musician have not been fully explored. Several authors have alluded to the relevance of Mattheson's comments on aesthetic matters but, in a more behavioural mode, the treatise lays emphasis too on the duties and expectations of being a successful Kapellmeister, qualities that were to be exemplified in Haydn's long career. The paper will document this wider, formative role, including making the composer aware of the nature of his own immediate tradition. Consideration of Mattheson's influence leads to a more nuanced understanding of Haydn's personal and musical education, or Bildung to use a later concept. Professor David Wyn Jones’s (University of California, Berkeley) essay in the original English language is expected to be issued in Studia Musicologica 2010/1-2. |
2009., 47. évf. 4. szám | 395. - 406.o |