# | Cím | Abstract | Folyóirat | Oldalszám |
Bartók két százéves levele |
Bartók’s Two 100 Years Old Letters
István P. Korody This study contains two Bartók-letters appearing first in the original German draft then in the Hungarian translation representing here the first publication of these letters in Bartók’s native tongue. The 24 years old composer-pianist wanted to introduce himself to the Berlin public in the very same category within the frame of an orchestral concert. He knew Busoni personally and appreciated his artistry as well. This is the reason why – the otherwise pretty shy composer – trusted himself to write to the Italian maestro living in Berlin. |
2005., 43. évf. 3. szám | 239. - 245.o | |
Liszt Ferenc ismeretlen dala |
An Unknown Song by Liszt
István P. Korody While preparing for an exhibition about the local author, painter and musician Franz Graf Pocci to mark the 200th anniversary of his, Sigrid von Moisy (Head of the Department of Manuscripts and Old Prints at the Bavarian State Library, Munich) made a new musical discovery in the form of an unknown autograph by Franz Liszt. "When The Last Stars Fade" is a short song (24 measureslong) and was composed on 20th of October 1843 in Munich. During his concert trip to Southern Germany, Liszt spent two weeks in Munich from the middle to the end of October 1843. He played four official and numerous private recitals in the Bavarian capital. At the same time, Bettina von Arnim arrived in Munich accompanied by her three daughters; Maximiliane, Armgart and Gisela. Liszt and the Arnims stayed at the same hotel, the Bayerischer Hof, where Madame Arnim kept a private salon. This salon became the centre of Munich's social life in the second half of October 1843. Count Franz Pocci also belonged to the circle of Liszt's friends who gathered at the Bayerischer Hof. Even the Bavarian king, Louis I. paid a visit to Liszt and friends at this hotel. One of the von Arnim sisters, Armgart had a fine voice and it is not impossible that she sang for very first time the newly discovered Liszt song. However, the first official performance of the song took place on the 11th of July, 2007 at the Bavarian State Library in Munich. Julianse Banse (soprano) sang with Helmut Deutsch's piano accompaniment. |
2007., 45. évf. 4. szám | 457. - 462.o |