# | Cím | Abstract | Folyóirat | Oldalszám |
A Bartók-mûvekben feldolgozott népdalok forráskatalógusa | - | 1978., 19. évf. 2. szám | 166. - 175.o | |
Bartók: Kontrasztok, Benny Goodman és a szabad előadásmód | - | 2015., 53. évf. 1. szám | 48. - 65.o | |
Egy népdalfeldolgozás-ciklus keletkezésérõl : Bartók Nyolc magyar népdalának kéziratos forrásai |
The Making of a Folk Song Arrangement Cycle: The Sources of Bartók’s Eight Hungarian Folksongs
Vera Lampert In 1918, when Universal Edition became Bartók’s publisher, the composer considered only the “5 Szekler songs” of 1907 and the three soldiers’ songs of 1917, among his numerous unpublished songs, worthy of publication. Examining the rich source material of the Eight Hungarian Folksongs, one can follow the process by which the two groups of songs, written a decade apart, became a unified composition that can be performed convincingly as a song cycle. Bartók revised all of the songs, most probably during the 1921-1922 concert season. His emendations, applied to all of the songs, were generally directed towards the thinning of the accompaniment. The most significant textual changes affected the earlier group where one of the songs was discarded and replaced; radical changes happened also in nos. 1 and 4. In the second group, no. 7 was also altered in a significant way. When establishing the final order of the songs, Bartók kept the songs of the two groups together, the earlier group starting the cycle, the later one closing it. He also slightly rearranged the sequence of the earlier pieces and transposed the later ones. |
2004., 42. évf. 3-4. szám | 431. - 445.o | |
Motívumos néptáncok Grieg és Bartók mûveiben |
Motivic Folk Dances in the Works of Grieg and Bartók
Vera Lampert Borrowed material usually undergoes some transformation during composition. Research shows that Bartók made several minor alterations in the strophic melodies in his folk song settings adjusting them to the expectations of the new environment. More substantial intervention can be surmised when the folk sources are less structured than a strophic song. The Norwegian slåtter and a large group of the Romanian folk dances from Transylvania are built of short, two-to-four measure motives which are repeated extempore with minute variations and with no predictable conclusion. While the Norwegian fiddlers have a somewhat different approach to improvisation than the Romanians, repeating each motive before changing it slightly and having a tendency to start them in the higher register and finish in the lower one, the challenge that both present to the composer using them in compositions is quite similar. Grieg and Bartók used motivic dances in their compositions quite differently, however. Grieg arranged each dance in a separate movement within a loosely constructed series for piano (Slåtter =Norwegian folk dances, op. 72), rather closely following the run of the pieces as they were written down by Johan Halvorsen during a two-week session with the folk-fiddler, Knut Dahle. Profiting from the possibilities of dynamics, registers, and harmonization, inherent to the nature of the piano, Grieg achieved clear-cut forms while evoking the rich sonority of the Hardanger fiddle and the boisterous character of the folk dances. Bartók arranged the melodies for violin and piano, within one structure, in the second, fast (Friss) movement of his 2nd rhapsody. His approach in utilizing the sources also differs significantly from Grieg's in that he omits several of the folk variations and adds his own to the rest. While the three dances of the first movement of the piece are arranged in rondo form, the melodies in the Friss unfold one after the other, in chain-form, rather in the vein of a Sunday village dance. Choice of tempi and the strategic placement of dances with corresponding motives insure the cohesion of the movement. |
2010., 48. évf. 2. szám | 187. - 202.o | |
Vázlat Bartók II. vonósnégyesének utolsó tételéhez | - | 1972., 13. évf. 3. szám | 252. - 263.o | |
Rec. Afrika vonzásában : Bartók Béla biskrai gyûjtõútja : Bartók és az arab népzene | - | 2007., 45. évf. 3. szám | 343. - 353.o | |
Rec. Ismerkedés Bartók alkotómûhelyével : Somfai László: Bartók Béla kompozíciós módszere | - | 2000., 38. évf. 4. szám | 393. - 396.o | |
Rec. Magyar zenetörténeti tanulmányok Mosonyi Mihály és Bartók Béla emlékére (szerk.: Bónis Ferenc) | - | 1974., 15. évf. 1. szám | 96. - 98.o |