# | Cím | Abstract | Folyóirat | Oldalszám |
Zenetudomány és lélektan: egymásra tekintve |
Musicology and Psychology: A Mutual Regard
László Stachó The aim of this paper is to discuss connections between musical analysis and modern approaches in the psychology of music. First, it presents a contemporary theory of musical meanings (Jaakko Erkkilä, 1997). Erkkilä’s theory explains our understanding of music by the psychicalcognitive functioning of three levels of musical understanding. The second part of the paper focuses on the cognitive level of the musical understanding of a listener of music. Cognitive meanings typically emerge from active or passive musical experience: they result from the fulfilment or unfulfilment of momentary expectations about the continuation of music. Musical experience is guided by unconsciously learned rules about musical styles (musical „languages”). The author shows how this conception fits with modern theories of musical analysis. The author of the paper argues for the use in musical analysis of a well-known theoretical distinction-derived from generative linguistics-between cognitive competence (the intended, „ideal” form of the music, derived from the notion of linguistic competence) and performance (the version actually played, derived from linguistic performance). This dichotomy may well be exploited in ethnomusicological research. The article concludes with a general overview of leading current topics in the cognitive psychology of music. The article is dedicated to the memory of the Hungarian musicologist and aesthetician János Maróthy (1925-2001). |
2002., 40. évf. 3. szám | 339. - 354.o |