# | Cím | Abstract | Folyóirat | Oldalszám |
"Széles az Isonzó vize..." : Az első világháború és a népzenekutatás | - | 2015., 53. évf. 1. szám | 95. - 114.o | |
A jaj-nóta kérdés | - | 1985., 26. évf. 2. szám | 148. - 200.o | |
A tágabb környezet - a cigányzenés Debrecen | - | 1996., 36. évf. 2. szám | 154. - 170.o | |
Bartha Dénes, a 18-19. század magyar zenéjének kutatója |
Dénes Bartha, Researcher of 18th and 19th Century Hungarian Music
Lujza Tari Researching Hungarian singing-poems between the 18th and 19th century meant primary importance of Dénes Bartha’s career. His outstanding work on this topic is his book on Ádám Pálóczi Horváth’s song collection of the turn of the 18th and 19th century (published 1953, co-written by literature historian József Kiss). Among Pálóczi’s hand written notes (in primitive writing) we find many songs of old Hungarian music, item songs of German origin and instrumental versions of songs as well. The determining of melodies and the differences in rhythms from the defective transcriptions, and discovery of variants from Hungarian and European art- and folk music shows the excellence and wide knowledge of Bartha. The author of this study, being a former student of his, displays the actuality of Bartha’s achievements in the topics of Hungarian and German song, and verbunkos music. |
2009., 47. évf. 2. szám | 193. - 210.o | |
Egy közjáték dallam | - | 1981., 22. évf. 3. szám | 285. - 302.o | |
Egyéniség és közösség Kodály Zoltán két kászoni-székely elõadójánál | - | 1983., 24. évf. 2. szám | 145. - 187.o | |
Két népszokás-dallamunk és európai kapcsolataik | - | 1982., 23. évf. 2. szám | 146. - 161.o | |
Kodály hangszeres gyûjtése | - | 1978., 19. évf. 2. szám | 184. - 196.o | |
Kodály Intermezzója triójának forrása | - | 1986., 27. évf. 3. szám | 294. - 311.o | |
Kodály Zoltán jelentõsége a hangszeres népzenekutatásban | - | 1984., 25. évf. 3. szám | 281. - 300.o | |
Kodály Zoltán, az egykori Mohi és a régi magyar mûdalok |
Zoltán Kodály, the Former Village of Mohi and Old Hungarian Art-song in Folk Music
Lujza Tari The topic of this study is the folk music collection from the former village of Mohi (from Hungary's old Bars county), written on the occasion of the 125th birthday of Zoltán Kodály. This village is one of the most important places in the life of the composer, because Kodály used eight folksongs from here as source-material for his works. Among these the most popular folksong in Hungary is: Hej, a mohi hegy borának, which was found also in other villages in different variants. His collections were made in 1912 and in 1914. Singers and instrumentalists were interwiewed. The village (and the whole county) after WWI. went to (Czecho)Slovakia. The author describes the history of the collections, and shows different samples (sound recordings and transcriptions) of the old Hungarian art songs which were present in a great number in the folk tradition of Mohi. Kodály's collection is very valuable. This is the only single folk musical material because the village no longer exists. In its place there is now a nuclear power-station. |
2007., 45. évf. 4. szám | 357. - 372.o | |
Lajtha László hangszeres népzenegyûjtései: 1911-1963 | - | 1992., 33. évf. 2. szám | 141. - 190.o | |
Lajtha László, a palóc hangszeres zene kutatója | - | 1993., 34. évf. 1. szám | 60. - 84.o | |
Néhány szó az „Alla turca”-ról a bécsi klasszikus mesterektõl G. Verdiig | - | 1990., 31. évf. 2. szám | 165. - 174.o | |
Palóc menyasszonykísérõ - bukovinai menyasszonykikérõ | - | 1987., 28. évf. 1. szám | 26. - 33.o | |
Rajeczky Benjamin, a népzenetudós |
Benjamin Rajeczky (11 November 1901 – 1 July 1989) the Ethnomusicologist
Lujza Tari Researches of Benjamin Rajeczky prominent personality of the Hungarian musicology cover Gregorian chant and folk music. The long list of his books and studies, the publications he edited and the reviews he wrote provide conclusive evidence of the wide range of his interests in both spheres. The present study attempts to give a comprehensive picture of Rajeczky’s ethnomusicological activity on the occasion of 100th anniversary of his birth. The author – who had the fortune to be almost like a member in the Rajeczky family since her childhood – in this framework describes the main phases of his activities namely such as his studies, the beginning of his career, folk music fieldworks, folk music transcriptions. On the basis of facts the main lines of the ethnomusicological life-work she presents the editor of folk musik recordings and source editions, the polymath of ethnomusicology, and research organizer of Hungarian and international studies. The study contains a full catalogue of ethnomusicological literature of this extremely versatile, morally impeccable Master, the Cistercian monk and musicologist. |
2001., 39. évf. 3. szám | 235. - 260.o | |
Schweizerlied |
Lujza Tari This study focuses on a special literary and musical genre, the folksong verse known as the „Schweizerlied”, from its first appearance at the end of the 18th century to the similarly-titled songs of Franz Schubert. J. G. Herder published in 1778 the text of a Swiss folksong (a ballad) under the title Ein Schweizerliedchen. Herder wrote enthusiastically about the melody of the poem, which was first published with melody by J. F. Reichardt in 1781, and again in 1782. This folksong is the basis of Beethoven's op. 34 piano variations in F major, „6 leichte Variationen Über ein Schweitzelied” (WoO 64, 1798). The seven movements of Beethoven's piece correspond to the seven stanzas of the poem, and the music precisely follows the story of the ballad. Zoltán Kodály, in his study entitled A magyar népzene (1937), drew attention to the fact that the basic melody of Beethoven's piano piece is identical with a Hungarian folk tune. Kodály established that the Hungarian folksong's melody was probably of German origin. The author of the present study emphasizes that following Herder, in literature Goethe, Schiller, A. von Arnim and others created a fashion for poems of the Schweizerlied type, while Beethoven's piece served as a model for Schweizerlied titled musical arrangements and the composition of new Swiss „folksongs”. This type of composition in itself became important to the Swiss people, for whom it is now undoubtedly their representative folksong. The study reveals that in fact Swiss folksong melody became assimilated into Hungarian folk music, with various texts. In the music of the German-speaking peoples, at the end of the 18th century the folksong, from the point of view of both its melodic structure (AA5BAv) and its subject-matter, was a novelty. The melody of the song may have been introduced to Gyergyó basin (after 1918, Romania) at the turn of the 18th-19th century by German immigrants from different places and ethnic groups, who brought it with them as a new song from their homeland; but of course it may also have spread by some other route. |
2010., 48. évf. 2. szám | 225. - 236.o | |
Strófaelvû témaépítkezések és motívikus periodizálás a hangszeres népzenében | - | 1984., 25. évf. 1. szám | 73. - 91.o | |
Újabb adatok Pálóczi Horváth Ádám dalaihoz | - | 1989., 30. évf. 1. szám | 25. - 40.o | |
Weiner Leó mûveinek népzenei forrásai | - | 1985., 26. évf. 3. szám | 238. - 248.o | |
Rec. Aszobik, taikok és mikók : Kárpáti János: Tánc a mennyei barlang elõtt. Zene és mítosz a japán rituális hagyományban (A kagura) | - | 2000., 38. évf. 1. szám | 101. - 108.o | |
Rec. Gottfried Habenicht: Die Volksliedsammlung Linster (1933/34) aus Hatzfeld im Banat | - | 1989., 30. évf. 1. szám | 110. - 112.o | |
Rec. Hagyomány és újjászületés : Folk Song Tradition, Revival and Re-Creation (ed. by Ian Russel and David Atkinson) | - | 2005., 43. évf. 3. szám | 355. - 360.o | |
Takács Jenõ köszöntése | - | 1977., 18. évf. 4. szám | 387. - 401.o |