Megemlékezés | ||
Gombosi Ottó (1902-1955) : egy tanítvány visszaemlékezései | 253. - 262. o | |
Waldbauer Iván | ||
Tanulmány | ||
Opera buffa-analízis - Javaslatok a magyar terminológiához | 263. - 269. o | |
Tamás Katalin | abstract
Opera Buffa Analysis
Suggestions to the Hungarian Terminology Katalin Tamás In recent years a new method of analysis has appeared in the English-language international opera buffa research: a method that bases on the characteristics of 18th-century operas instead of using the terminology and ideas of instrumental music. This study focuses on a very important detail of the method: the types of the opera buffa arias and makes an attempt to find the most suitable Hungarian technical terms to them. |
Johann Baptist Henneberg-Emanuel Schikaneder-Szerelemhegyi András: Csörgõsapka | 271. - 278. o | |
Gurmai Éva | abstract
J. B. Henneberg – E. Schikaneder – A. Szerelemhegyi: Csörgõsapka (Fool’s Cap)
Éva Gurmai This article examines the cultural remains of the connections between the Hungarian professional dramatic art and the theater lead by Vienna in the early 19th century. The oldest musical score, which has turned up for not a long time in the Music Collection of the National Széchényi Library, is the Csörgõsapka from Johann Baptist Henneberg, translated by András Szerelemhegyi and it was played from 1795 by the „Nemzeti Színjátszó Társaság”. The connections of this piece lead to Mozart’s composing circle, society of Schikaneder, the Theater auf der Wieden. Csörgõsapka was the most popular and the mostly played piece of the Hungarian musical act, in its first 50 years. |
A másik Ruzitska operája : Ruzitska György-Christian Heyser: Alonso oder Die Wege des Verhängnisses | 279. - 290. o | |
Németh G. István | abstract
An Opera by the Other Ruzitska
György Ruzitska-Christian Heyser: Alonso oder die Wege des Verhängnisses István Németh G. In 1822 József Ruzitska wrote in Kolozsvár (Cluj) Béla futása (Bela’s Flucht), generally considered to be the foundation of Hungarian national opera. A few years later, in 1828 in the same town, György Ruzitska (born 1789 in Vienna, died 1869 in Kolozsvár) completed the opera Alonso which was intended for performance on the stage of the Städtisches Theater in Pest. However the performance never took place because of the departure of the singer August Fischer, in spite of his contract. György Ruzitska’s Alonso, based on a libretto by the Transylvanian German author Christian Heyser, is a rescue opera which joins together the traditions of the Singspiel and opéra comique, at the same time showing the melodic influence of the contemporary Italian opera composer Rossini. This paper presents a biography of the composer focusing on his production of musical stage works including the early Vienna period. The opera is presented mainly through the extracts employed in the overture, and rearranged by the composer according to a specific narrative strategy which, if compared with the libretto, suggests the dominance of human resoluteness and action versus a priori determined fate. |
Nyíregyháza mûzenei emlékei a 19. századból : Szénfy Gusztáv és más „kismesterek” mûködése Szabolcs megye körzetében | 291. - 300. o | |
Papp Monika | abstract
Kunstmusikalische Denkmäler von Nyíregyháza im 19. Jahrhundert
Das Wirken Gustav Szénfy’s und anderer „kleiner Meisters” im Gebiet des Komitats Szabolcs Monika Papp Das Theaterspiel, das auch der Verbreitung der ungarischen Sprache dienen sollte, spielte im Musikleben der Provinz im 19. Jahrhundert eine wichtige Rolle. Ein Teil der Theatergruppen war in seiner Zusammensetzung weniger für die Aufführung von Opern oder Dramen eingerichtet, sondern bemühte sich in erster Linie darum, das „neue Genre”, das „leichter verdauliche” Volkstück zielgerichteter einzusetzen. Infolge ihres städtischen Bewußtseins wünschten und produzierten die Städte der Provinz selbst die Dorfromantik. Auf diese Weise konnte es geschehen, daß der Vortrag eines Stückes und die Besiegung der damit verbundenen Schwierigkeiten beinahe zur patriotischen Pflicht wurde. Die Stadt Nyíregyháza verfügt vom 19. Jahrhundert an über lebendige musikalische Traditionen, in denen das Theaterspiel einen bedeutenden Platz einnimmt. Diese Zeit kann nicht ohne die „kleinen Meister”, die sogenannten naturalistischen Musiker untersucht werden. Gusztáv Szénfy, Komponist und Musiker in Nyíregyháza, ist in verschiedener Hinsicht erwähnenswert. Er hat hervorragende Leistungen auf den Gebieten der Organisation des Konzertlebens, der musikalischen Sammlerarbeit, der Komposition und des Musikunterrichtes hervorgebracht. Zudem sind die Großen seiner Zeit auf ihn aufmerksam geworden. Neben Ábrányi hatte er Einfluß auf Liszt, Erkel und Mosonyi. Auch sein einziges (lange Zeit verloren geglaubtes) Volkstück ”Zwei Vormünder” (Két gyám) (Text: Mór Jókai) ist ein gutes Beispiel für das charakteristischste Moment der zeitgenössischen Theaterpraxis: das Auswachseln der Liedeinlagen. Dieser „Wechel” der Gattungen machten das Volkstück flexibel und erfolgreich, führten aber auch zu seinem relativ baldigen Verschwinden. |
Joseffy Rafael és New York | 301. - 311. o | |
Gyöngyösi Szilvia | abstract
Raphael Joseffy and New York
Szilvia Gyöngyösi One of the most talented Hungarian pianist students of Franz Liszt was Raphael Joseffy (1852-1915). He studied at Moscheles in Leipzig, at C. Tausig in Berlin and from 1869 in Weimar, under direction of Franz Liszt. From the early 1870’s he settled in Vienna. Allover europe gave successful concerts, which were documented in the contemporary musical periodicals in Hungary and in abroad too. After his farewell-concert in Budapest (12 March, 1879) Joseffy’s artistic carrier continued in the United States of America. Beside his pianist success he became famous as piano teacher as well. He taught in the National Conservatory in New York (the director was A. Dvoøak) and played important role in the American music-education. More over he was active as composer too. He was composing probably before 1895. The works to be found in Hungary in Budapest and in America in New York. The pieces are mainly for piano and there are own compositions, transcriptions of Liszt’s and Chopin’s works and works among them, which were edited, revised and fingered by Joseffy. |
Hunyad megyei adatközlõk Budapesten : Bartók Béla 1914-es elõadása | 313. - 326. o | |
Pávai Réka | abstract
Invited Performers from Hunyad County in Budapest
Bartók’s 1914 dissertation Réka Pávai Béla Bartók’s presentation held on 18th March, 1914 is considered a crucial moment in the history of Hungarian folk music researches. As the second part of the dissertation illustrated by folklore performers invited from Hunyad county (Romania), Bartók presented the procedures of making a phonograph and a gramophone recording, futhermore pointing to the differences in the sound quality of the two different recording technologies. According to the present bibliography on this subject, a merely obscure image can be created about the preparatory works and the course of Bartók’s dissertation. The present essay concentrates its view on the possible answers to the unclarified parts of the issue. The author treats with primary importance the contents of the gramophone records and the phonograph cylinders, as well as the problems rosen around the publishing of the recorded tunes and the material collected during the December of 1913. However, among the initial questions to which this essay searches the answers, some may remain forever without explanation. |
„A mélypont ünnepélye” : Pilinszky és a zene | 327. - 338. o | |
Szabó Balázs | abstract
»Das Fest des Tiefpunktes«
Pilinszky und die Musik Balázs Szabó Die Abhandlung hat der Zweck, um die eigenartige Verbindung, die den Dichter János Pilinszky (1921-1981) zu der Musik knüpfte, aus einem besonderen Geschichtspunkt zu interpretieren. Die Elemente, die Pilinszky’s dichterische Welt errichten, sind miteinander aufs engste verbunden. Deshalb versucht die folgende Abhandlung auf Grund von den über Bach geschriebenen musikalischen Schriften und Interviews Pilinszky’s den Gedankengang zusammenstellen, der nicht nur seine musikalische Denkweise charakterisiert, sondern die Grundprinzipien, die seine Weltanschauung und seine Lyrik bestimmen, auch demonstrieren kann. |
Zenetudomány és lélektan: egymásra tekintve | 339. - 354. o | |
Stachó László | abstract
Musicology and Psychology: A Mutual Regard
László Stachó The aim of this paper is to discuss connections between musical analysis and modern approaches in the psychology of music. First, it presents a contemporary theory of musical meanings (Jaakko Erkkilä, 1997). Erkkilä’s theory explains our understanding of music by the psychicalcognitive functioning of three levels of musical understanding. The second part of the paper focuses on the cognitive level of the musical understanding of a listener of music. Cognitive meanings typically emerge from active or passive musical experience: they result from the fulfilment or unfulfilment of momentary expectations about the continuation of music. Musical experience is guided by unconsciously learned rules about musical styles (musical „languages”). The author shows how this conception fits with modern theories of musical analysis. The author of the paper argues for the use in musical analysis of a well-known theoretical distinction-derived from generative linguistics-between cognitive competence (the intended, „ideal” form of the music, derived from the notion of linguistic competence) and performance (the version actually played, derived from linguistic performance). This dichotomy may well be exploited in ethnomusicological research. The article concludes with a general overview of leading current topics in the cognitive psychology of music. The article is dedicated to the memory of the Hungarian musicologist and aesthetician János Maróthy (1925-2001). |
Recenzió | ||
Egy hiányzó láncszem : Péterfy Jenõ zenekritikái (összeállította, a szöveget gondozta és a jegyzeteket írta Wilheim András) | 355. - 360. o | |
Csengery Kristóf | ||
„Mit játszik a nép hangszerein?” : Tari Lujza: Kodály Zoltán, a hangszeres népzene kutatója | 361. - 362. o | |
Breuer János |