# | Cím | Abstract | Folyóirat | Oldalszám |
A Negyvennégy duó elsõ rádió-elõadása | - | 1980., 21. évf. 2. szám | 197. - 200.o | |
A variáns fogalma az új zenében | - | 1987., 28. évf. 1. szám | 60. - 62.o | |
Az egyéni szempont |
The Individual Point of View
András Wilheim This essay attempts to illustrate the formation and evolution of a modern, 20th-century style through the career of composer András Szõllõsy. This style is candidly attached to deliberately selected traditions and the individual point of view, which comprises an original arrangement of previously known stylistic elements and features originating from various sources, and emerges from the organic interdependence and mutuality of works. There is a novel classicistic attitude to be observed in Szõllõsy’s compositions which could even seem surprisingly anachronistic at the time it first appeared in the 1970’s. In retrospect, however, it is obvious that its radical gesture was not without peers in its own generation – what is more, several of its features heralded the prevailing eclectic styles of the end of the 20th century. |
2003., 41. évf. 1. szám | 85. - 94.o | |
Cage és a haiku |
Cage and Haiku
András Wilheim By exploring in Cage’s works a verse form used variedly by the composer and its forms and various transformations, this paper attempts to identify the role played by an extrinsic device or the illusions related thereto in the formation of music. How is it possible to convert rules and formal features into musical patterns that had previously applied to another type of material? Does it matter if a composer makes minor mistakes in the philological interpretation of the device or forms selected as a source? In the case of Cage – and this may also hold true for similar phenomena regarding other composers – haiku really seems to be a starting point only, a special way of pre-arranging the material, and its validity should not be originated from or contrasted with the traditions of haiku; it should be perceived that its justification lies in the works of Cage themselves. For Cage, Japanese verse forms (or rather what he makes of them) formed part of the toolbox just like other elements of his style – the fact that he referred to them with such emphasis does not owe its significance to composition technique but to poetics. |
2003., 41. évf. 2. szám | 209. - 218.o | |
Elfeledett Bartók- és Kodály-nyilatkozat 1923-ból | - | 1980., 21. évf. 4. szám | 428. - 429.o | |
Erik Satie gregorián parafrázisai | - | 1982., 23. évf. 2. szám | 191. - 198.o | |
Két Bartók-vázlat | - | 1978., 19. évf. 4. szám | 401. - 412.o | |
Liszt és a huszadik század | - | 1986., 27. évf. 2. szám | 115. - 125.o | |
Módszer és mû : elemzõ megjegyzések Webern Das Augenlicht címû kompozíciójához | - | 1984., 25. évf. 4. szám | 384. - 388.o | |
Tételsorrendek Bartók mûveiben | - | 1984., 25. évf. 2. szám | 210. - 214.o | |
Rec. Messiaen - elméletének tükrében : Olivier Messiaen: Traîté de rythme, de couleur et d’ornithologie | - | 1999., 37. évf. 4. szám | 431. - 436.o | |
A Magyar Zene új folyama elé | - | 1998., 37. évf. 1. szám | 3. - 4.o | |
[Zenetudományi elõadássorozat Rajeczky Benjamin tiszteletére] | - | 1987., 28. évf. 1. szám | 4. - 7.o |